Friday, May 18, 2007


Sooo...yeah. I haven't posted for a LONG time. Pardon my French...but damn you google blogger!!! I wouldn't accept my freakin' password, and on top of that, I could't figure out the simplicity of using my email as my account name, as it had apparently set it to without my knowing.
Not really much to update on grades really moving at all. Even though my math one is low and SHOULD be going up, but my teacher in merciless and has deciced not to accept any more late work! Darn you, Mr. Rezny! Darn you to heck...and back! He is EVIL! No, not evil. EEEEEV-ill. You pronounce it that way. But, surprisingly...he's my favorite teacher. Probably only because he's the only one who's not retarded and he actually (seems...) to know what he's talking about. :]
Well...oh, I got something! I had to write a play for my history class! Aren't you proud of me?? It's about the Martin Luther King Jr. assassination. And you know what? I've discovered this question lingering in the back of my head- Am I the only one who's bothered by the fact that ass is is assassination, not only once, but a row??
I also get to sing a solo for my choir tomorrow at our concert! Woo for me! I'll be singing the second solo in "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" from Phantom of the Opera, if you have any idea as to what that is.

so yeah...i've run out of things to blab about...soo...bye peoples!