Thursday, March 15, 2007


So...I had a new bf for a while. Maybe a month or 2 I think. I didn't keep track, I was too lazy... Ok, so he broke up with me on Monday and I really have no idea as to why. Well, I sorta do. So all his friends were telling him that I didn't like him anymore and of course he believes them, not me. Typical. But oh well. I'm not the kind of person who wallows in sorrow and agony all the time because of one simple break up. I look at it logically- I wasn't planning on marrying him (duh), it really wasn't a serious relationship, and middle school relationships are (in the words of my mother) really just practice for the years to come.
But, yeah...that's really the only thing i have right now to update those of you who actually read my blog on. Ok? ok.

~Emily (a.k.a- emasaurus...i made that one up. haha. i win.)


KellyKline said...

Boys r gross.


Zebraman said...

Relationships are like clothes. You have to try a bunch on before you find one that really fits you. And the more you try on, the more likely you are to find one that works.


Memphis said...

Middle school relationships are like fighting with baseball bats - if no one gets hurt it's a miracle.

Suthnuh said...

High School is where the real troubles start!

And boys aren't gross... we're just maturity challenged. ;-)

Samantha Alice said...

Boys are WONDERFUL!!! That's why you should go through as many as you can while they're so cheap and easy to come by, like in school. 'cause as soon as Mr. Wonderful stops being so, there's another or another and yet another to take his place.