Sunday, December 03, 2006

Frigglefragglerackafrackadingdong! (I'm the new Yosimity Sam!), my mom tagged me...dangit!

Alright- the rules are, we list 6 weird things about ourselves, then tag 6 more people. Each player has to clearly state the rules and then leave a comment on eah person's blog, telling them that they've been tagged and to read your blog.

Soooooo- Here goes!

1. I can wiggle my ears.

2. I can twitch several places on my face- my left eye, the left part of my upper lip (like the Elvis thing), and left part of my lower lip, I don't know anyone else who can do the last one.

3. I'm slightly dyslexic (did I spell it right?)

4. I've got some sort of OCD.

5. I notice every little detail...and I pick at it until it's right.

6. I really like 80's clothes...I don't know if that's weird, but I bet you didn't know that about me!

I've decided to tag...(hhhhmmm...who actually reads my blog?)
my dad

yeah...that's all I can come up with...I guess I'm only tagging one person this time!


Zebraman said...

AAAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAAAAGH! I've been tagged. Well, I guess that now I have to respond to being tagged. Check my blog, yer Highness...


KellyKline said...


Yer weird.


Weirdy weird weird weirdie.


KellyKline said...

Why you no blog long time?