Saturday, July 01, 2006


I've been so busy trying to get everything ready for my birthday party and now I can't have it on the day I want. URGH! I'm do frustrated. Now I have to reschedule it and tell all my friends that I've already invited to come on the 15th that they have to come on the 17th. Boy am I frustrated...I already said that! I still have to invite everyone else. AND get decorations and ice cream and sprinkles and cake and whatnot. Maybe I can get my dad to take me to Party City today. Gotsta go!


KellyKline said...

So did your dad take you to Party City? I spent a super-yawn-exciting evening with my great-aunt Sandi and her husband, Steve. They live in Topeka, Kansas, and are here visiting for a couple days. Anyway, I took them to dinner and then we went to Opryland Hotel ... we saw The Amazing Peking Acrobats show - it was awesome!

KellyKline said...

Hey! Don't forget that there are some things somewhere at the house (maybe the girl's room's attic) that can be used for your party!

Emily Kline said...

Is Peking like some Chinese city? Or is that like peking as in when your playing hide and seek and your the seeker adn you peek...