As some of you know, my friend Bailey and I have been bestestest friends since the second grade. Well, I decided to just talk about her. She is soooooooooooooo smart!!! She's already in 10th grade math. She'll be in geometry next semester. She has to walk to the highschool to go to her math class. She even has juniors and seniors in her math class!!! She's also a very good writer. She is on the MJMS Unmasked (our school newspaper...well...more like a litterary magazine...) staff along with me and my friends Taylor, Courtney, Olivia, and Timmy. We love to hang out...a lot... Bailey is my bestest friend EVAH (alongside with Deanna) and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Oh, and Ekken Boodle, that's our nickname together. My initials are EKK and hers are BDL, soooo, put it together and we're Ekken Boodle!
Buh-laylee is da bomb diggity.
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